It is our first Christmas Eve not only for Tom and I but little Cooper as well. Last year Tom was away so we had made our plans of what we thought we wanted to do but then our Christmas present arrived early. See all our plans went out the window because all we ever needed is right here between the three of us. Don't get me wrong we would love to be with family and friends and be able to break bread with them all, share laughs and Christmas joy - Cooper is our everything. We didn't even get presents for people our lives have been so hectic and chaotic the past few weeks, and while I feel bad we couldn't do so it seemed everything fell into place. Tom came up today after what seemed like the longest 4 days of my life, I literally never missed him so much! I missed him more of the past four days then I did over the year he was away. But its for a good reason, Tom and I have this precious gift, this precious little boy that deserves more than Christmas joy, presents, cookies and milk - our love, support and care is what all three of us need. Once Tom got here we unloaded the car and here he brings gifts, from our families. Set up in my room at the Ronald McDonald House is a little tree our presents fit perfectly under it. And then it all seemed to make sense. This was plenty. It doesn't matter we won't see our families, share a meal with them or even have a day full of fun what matters is that he and I are together and we will see Cooper spend time with him to get him well to come home. This is the perfect place for us. Together. Besides Cooper has no idea what is going on. So tonight I will enjoy the roof and warmth of this House, the comfort of my husband being by my side and the little pillar of strength known as my son, Cooper.
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