My name is Annette Ungaretti Lewis. I live in a the small town of Salmon in the majestic state of Idaho. By day I am either a reporter-photographer-graphic designer for a privately owned newspaper here in Salmon, by night a waitress for my father at his restaurant, and all day everyday, I am a "prison wife." My husband Tom, served time in the state of New Jersey at Southern State Correctional Facility. We became husband and wife April 7, 2011. He spend almost a year there with a release date of January 26, 2012 when our lives took another turn.
Nineteen days before Tom was suppose to be released new charges were filed in the state of Idaho, which ensured his incarceration. January 26 he was moved to Philadelphia, then to Oklahoma, to Nevada, to Boise and finally resting in Pocatello, Idaho. He traveled for over 30 days, now considered a federal inmate no longer a state prisoner. This is a start of a new "bid" in which we have no idea what to expect.
As a writer I started this blog to express how I was feeling, my thoughts, the trials and tribulations this lifestyle entails. While Tom would have served 340 days by the time he does get home, that time really doesn't compare to the years to decades some men and women have to go through. Yet with the "little" time we do have we are still living the life of pre-paid phone calls, daily letters and the constant feeling of missing your "other half." Tom and I went 315 day without seeing each other, now we are able to visit with one another via webcam.
Tom and I have learned a lot and have changed quite a bit in the time we have been apart.We have always had this special connection between the two of us, something you can't explain yet the feelings are so overwhelming. We were pretty much complete opposites, different sides of the United States, different childhoods, different paths as adults yet together we have become one. We have been through our trials and tribulation and expect more as the years go one, but for now, it is what it is.
We have a lot of hopes and dreams for ourselves and as a couple. Tom would like to do additional schooling to become a drug and alcohol counselor, helping others. He was once shy and quiet now Tom listens to other inmates and tries to get them to think outside the box. We have dreams of having a family of our own, children, he is hoping for as soon as well, getting off the plane but we will need to plan everything first.
Tom always says I complete him, and yet he completes me. I have never in my life felt this way for another man, and for him another woman. While we may not have a cookie cutter marriage or lifestyle right now, we are making the best of it, the only way we know how - together. As a married couple we take pride in one another even under the circumstances and don't hold anything back.
"Babe being in here has just made me realize how much I love you and need you! I feel as though you are my perfect match. You are everything that I'm not which means you complete me! I love you will all my heart baby! I can't imagine myself with anyone else but you! You have stuck with me through this all and I couldn't be happier! I was afraid you wouldn't be able to handle this, but again you surprise me about how strong you have been through it all. That is why I would be the happiest person on earth is you are true about getting married. I would be happy to take your hand and start a life together, and have kids and start a family together. I really think that you are the perfect one for me. Every day I find something new in you that makes me love you more! You are beautiful inside and out. I love you so much! I think that together we would be able to handle anything that is thrown our way and still come out on top and stronger than ever!" - from Tom, April 4, 2011
Today, Tom is a free man. After serving 11 months in New Jersey and another three months traveling back to Idaho he was released on what is called "pre-trial" release. He was on release for about four months when he had sentencing. Tom was sentenced to "time served" having to do no more time. He received three years of probation.
We welcomed our first child, Thomas Cooper Lewis III December 18, 2012, 16 weeks early born at 24 weeks 2 days. He was 1 pounds 10 ounces and 13.5 inches long. He is now over a year old and free and clear of medical problems or concerns. He is a little behind in motor skills but is quickly catching up.