Two things that I haven't experienced for a year today (I only remember it, because it was three days before Tom was arrested which will hit a year Friday). The subject, sex that is, seems to be something "taboo" in a special circumstance that it is obviously an issue. Each situation is different. Some couples have an "open" relationship while others are 100 percent devoted to one another. Tom and I are Option B. 100 percent devoted. We are married and take our vows seriously.
With that being said, men do think about sex at least once a day - some believe that it is every few minutes and I am not sure how to explain the lack of sexual attention or any real attention for that matter. But after awhile you "get used to it." I can't say it is necessarily easy yet it isn't really hard. Some people wonder, how do you go a year? Well I am most certain there are other women that have lasted a lot longer than a year and are still happily devoted to their husbands.
Being devoted to my husband really isn't a choice, in my eyes. Marriage is more of the "choice" between the two. I chose to marry him which comes with the fact that I am faithful. To me personally choosing to have a "Rated R" life without my husband will only destroy us in the end. I choose to live a "Rated G" lifestyle because I know all my feelings, emotions, love and attention are going to my husband rather than a temporary situation.
Sex may be a key component to a marriage, more or less intimacy is, but when you forced without it, you make due. You begin to focus more on emotional, mental rather than just physical. When your "better half" is on the inside of a prison wall you begin to realize that the intimacy you once craved and wanted is nothing compared to emotional connection you need.
While the soft whispers, kisses, falling asleep together is nice - at this point my focus is falling in love with each other everyday between our ears.
Very well said Annette