I look at Tom's "mugshot" and I ask myself, "Is that really my husband." It's 306 days since Tom and I have shared a read hug, a night alone and its been 280 plus days since I have actually seen Tom. It used to be really hard for me to look at his picture. The look in his face, his eyes. Its like he is crying out for something yet he can't say a word. Now I look at the photo and its like, my husband? I can honestly say that I don't remember what it is like to hold his hand, have his lips lock mine or what its even like to look into his eyes while talking to him. I look at the photo and ask myself, "Do I even know this man?" Does he know me. After 306 days, countless letters and endless number of phone calls it would seem as if that person becomes some sort of stranger to what you two used to have. Love shouldn't have to be so far apart for so long. 306. What I wouldn't give just to see his face right now. A year. Really? How do you try to continue to love and feel loved in this type of situation? 306 and it isn't the end. The scariest part for me is we don't know what the end is or when it will come. All we know it that we must continue down this road for one another, to stay strong for one another and believe and faith that one day soon, hopefully that this countdown will now longer be. That the 300 won't go past 400, hell 350. Something.
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