Some days just suck. Not because of work, or non-sense drama from family and friends just because Tom isn't here. Things constantly remind me of him whether its a smell, something I see or a stupid joke I know Tom would laugh at. Like the Taco Bell mild sauce, he would get it, he would laugh and I miss that! Funny things he says or does, or things that makes me laugh and smile.
Doesn't everyone just love this movie? Okay well besides a lot of guys but it's a beautiful love story. A young woman from a well off family falls in the love with the man that just makes cents an hour and when her mother steps in, years tear them apart but love prevails and the two end up together till the end, literally. I love this story but I am a girl and I love a lot of love stories! Watching this always makes me cry and just made me think of what my "love" future would be. These stories seem to be fiction, things like that really don't happen, but they do for some people.
"You know that I love you and I will never ever leave you again like this. You know why I married you? Cause I knew you were the one! I knew that you were everything I wasn't and you make me better everyday we are together! I married you cause you are the most beautiful woman I ever met! You are so beautiful and I don't want you to ever change I love you with everything I am and that will never change. I fell in love with you the way you are now and that is how I want you to stay! I will always be proud of you! I'm proud to have you as my wife."