Sometimes I dread the look others times I just blurt it out, but today - today I realized what this is. After reading an article online from a fellow "prison wife" and the comments proceeding them left me feeling at a loss. While strangers were commenting her story and her article, it hurt me. It hurt me because that's what people say about me, and that's what bonds the "prison wives." A lot of people don't understand why we do it, what would make us want to do it, but it just makes me think what have they given up for love? What extent would they go for their husband or wife? And while I totally understand how some people may think our husband will offend again, what people don't understand it that change happens.
How many times have they lied, their husbands lied to them? Cheated? Stole?
So why can't my husband change when a cheater can, a liar can but my husband can't? Doesn't seem fair does it?
"I do want you to know that a major part of me changing is you! You make me want to be a better man and grow up to make you happy. You make me realize that I can have fun and be able to be an adult at the same time. I want to make you proud to call me your husband and not just another man. that is the major part of why I read these books, why I want to go back to school and why I am trying to make myself a better person inside and out! I love you with all my heart and I am proud to call you my wife and I will continue to try to better myself everyday to make you feel proud of me and continue to be proud of me!"
100 days times XXX days divided by Love equals 4-Life
July 21 will be 100 days since I have seen his smile, our loves surpasses all the miles
"Babe, I tell you here some nights after the lights go out and i just stare at the ceiling and think about you! I remember all the times we have even the stupid times. Just dropping you off at work and screaming out the window that I love you and to have a great day! Or when I was working at the call center and I came out to go to lunch there was balloons in there and how I felt inside to see that! Or just the times when you had to work for your dad and I came up there early and helped you close up and me and your sister would race to see who can put the chairs up faster. Damn I miss being home. I'm so sorry to put you through all this and like I said before I promise to never leave you again!"
"I fell asleep and got to dream of you! I had a dream that I was home with you laying in bed just watching TV. There was nothing great about it except that we were together again. It felt good and I slept good! I woke up in a great mood but realized how much time it is till that day will come and got instantly into my attitude that has been as of lately. Its not a bad mood or anything like that but more of "what the fuck" mood. Like what the fuck another day, what the fuck I can't believe I'm back here, or what the fuck I still have money away till we are together. Even though this time is easier than any other time, I have had this time be one of the hardest. Its been the hardest cause this time I have a wife that is waiting for me. Its hard cause this time I've gotten married and have yet been able to spend one night with her, hell even just kiss or touch her. Even though this will all be over and done with soon enough and we will be able to live our lives together this time is hard for me. I laid here last night after the lights went out for about a half an hour or so and just thought about you and the times we did spend together. Like the time on our way to Missoula and you sucked all the helium out of the balloon and started talking with that high pitched voice, how much fun we had. And even that big fight that we got into over really nothing and how glad I am by not making one of the dumbest decisions I could have made by not saying, "I don't want to lose you!" How dumb would I have been to let you go? I am so happy to have you in my life as my wife and best best friend! I love you so much baby! Even though you are not with me right now you are still with me everyday, you are here when I write my letters, when I wake up everyday and when I go to sleep every night. God, I don't know where would be at mentally without you. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you waiting for me. And even though I say it a lot babe these are a few of the reasons why I say thank you! Thank you! Thank you! thank you for everything baby, you have done so much for me since this started but the main thing you have done is the moral support! Fuck the money and the calls, the best thing for me is these letters! The ones I get from you everyday cheer me up and the letters I write everyday keep me there cause they allow me to get stuff off my chest that are bothering me! I love you baby!"
Loving a man in prison, is not always easy to do It's being young, yet feeling old, It's loving him with nothing to hold. It's his writing of his love for you, It's writing him back saying "I love you too." A kiss each visit, and the promise to wait, Knowing the parole board holds his fate. It's reluctantly, painfully letting him go, Loving a man in prison has a high price to pay, Cause you're loving him more with every passing day. You're alone with only your hopes, dreams and fears, Loving a man in prison, sheds many tears. But there will be real love in your life, when his time is done, But only through faith in your heart will his battle be won!
"So I was just outside talking to this guy Matt and he was telling me how he was down today cause its his niece's graduation and his whole family was together and it hurt him that he couldn't be there. So I kind of explained our situation about getting married in jail and how you're so far away and that meant no visits and shit. Then I told him that instead of the hurt that you feel think about how much our actions hurt the ones who really care about us. Think about how much it hurts his niece to not have him there on her big day and imagine how much you hurt to not have me there the night of our marriage. That we have to learn from our mistakes or we will surely repeat them. For me I didn't learn the first time, if I had I could of saved a lot of heartache and pain for me, my daughter, you and my family. But this time I have learned and I will not repeat my past cause the next time (in my case) I could be dead or locked up for a lot longer time than I have now and next time I may not have the moral support that i have now!" (Dated June 26, 2011)